Habt ihr auch schon die ersten Kastanien gesammelt? Außer zum Kastanienfiguren basteln könnt ihr diese Herbstschätze auch zu einem nachhaltigen Washmittel verarbeiten. Wie das ganz leicht geht, erklärt euch Katharina in ihrem neuesten Gastbeitrag:

Meine kleine Tochter ist ein richtiger Sammler. Sie bringt einfach alles von einem Ausflug mit nach Hause. Steine, Stöcke, Blätter... und jetzt im Herbst natürlich jede Menge Kastanien. Und das finde ich richtig praktisch.
Ich nutze die Rosskastanie nämlich zum Wäsche waschen und kann daher eine ganze Menge davon gebrauchen.

Kastanien sammeln

Die Rosskastanie - Waschmittel unserer Großmütter

Die Kastanie gehört zu den Seifenbaumgewächsen und enthält natürliche waschaktive Substanzen. Die so genannten Saponine. Diese bilden beim schütteln im Wasser einen seifenartigen Schaum und besitzen damit die Fähigkeit Fett und Verunreinigungen zu lösen. Saponinhaltige Pflanzen wie Efeublätter, Seifenkrautwurzel oder eben die Rosskastanie waren früher probate Reinigungsmittel und funktionieren auch heute noch einwandfrei.


Und so geht's

Kastanien sammeln und noch frisch zerkleinern. Du kannst sie entweder mit einem Messer oder einer Schere vierteln oder in einem Mixer häckseln.
Die zerkleinerten Kastanien an einem luftigen Ort oder im Ofen zum trocknen auflegen. Kastanien müssen wirklich gründlich trocknen, da sie sehr schnell beginnen zu schimmeln.

Kastanien zerkleinern

Zum Waschen mit Kastanien werden circa eine handvoll (5-6 Stück) der zerkleinerten Früchte mit 1 Liter Wasser übergossen. Sofort zeigt sich der Schaum von den Saponinen.
Nach 5 Minuten wird der Sud abgegossen und kann sofort als Flüssigwaschmittel direkt in die Trommel geleert werden (Ja, man nimmt den ganzen Liter für eine Waschladung).
Die Kastanienreste können bis zu 5mal wiederverwendet werden.
Nachdem die Herstellung des Waschmittels so schnell geht empfehle ich es nur nach Bedarf anzurühren. Falls dir mal etwas übrig bleibt kannst du es auch als Geschirrspülmittel, zum Haare waschen oder duschen verwenden oder maximal 2 Tage im Kühlschrank aufbewahren.


Was brauche ich noch?

Dieses umweltfreundliche Waschmittel liebe ich vor allem für feine Sachen wie Wolle und Seide. Es reinigt aber auch jede andere Wäsche hervorragend.
Bei weißer Wäsche gebe ich einen Esslöffel Natron oder Sauerstoffbleiche als natürlichen Aufheller ins Waschmittelfach.
Als Weichspüler gebe ich immer einen Schuss Essig in das entsprechende Fach. Der Geruch verfliegt nach dem Waschen ganz schnell.

Ätherische Öle für einen feinen Duft

Wer mag kann natürlich auch ätherische Öle für einen feinen Duft ergänzen. Diese gibt man zum Essig ins Weichspülerfach um die größtmögliche Wirkung zu erzielen. Für mich war diese Beduftung beim Umstieg von konventionellem Waschmittel auf nachhaltige Alternativen sehr wichtig. Das lag sicher auch an der Prägung. Mittlerweile bin ich so "duftentwöhnt", dass ich ätherische Öle für meine Wäsche gar nicht mehr nutze. Das ist, wie gesagt, jedem selbst überlassen.

Soll man Kastanien für weiße Wäsche schälen?

Dieses Gerücht hält sich hartnäckig. Angeblich würden die Schalen der Kastanie zu Verfärbungen bei weißer Wäsche führen. Für ein ergrauen der Wäsche sind allerdings nicht die Schalen der Kastanie, sondern die in ihnen enthaltenen Gerbstoffe verantwortlich. Gerbstoffe lösen sich nach längerer Ziehzeit aus den kleinen Früchten und können dann tatsächlich zu einem ergrauen der Wäsche führen.
Die Lösung ist ganz einfach die Kastanien nur 5 Minuten im Wasser ziehen zu lassen. Bei längeren Ausziehzeiten beginnen sich die Gerbstoffe zu lösen. Gerbstoffe lassen die Wäsche ergrauen und fixieren Verschmutzungen. Und das will niemand. Hat man die Lauge einmal abgeseiht kann nichts mehr passieren.
Auch vom mitwaschen in einem alten Strumpf, wie oft empfohlen, rate ich dir aus diesem Grund ab.


Schadet das Waschen mit Kastanien meiner Waschmaschine?

Nein. Gerade bei dieser Methode kommt du nur die abgeseihte Lauge direkt in die Trommel. Die Kastanie an sich schafft es nie bis in die Maschine. Regelmäßige Maschinenpflege sollte aber natürlich bei dieser Methode, genau wie bei allen anderen Waschmitteln auch, selbstverständlich sein.
Wie ist es bei dir? Sammeln deine Kinder auch so gerne?
Alles Liebe, Katharina

Katharina Kohlbach gibt als Katharina rührt Workshop zu Naturkosmetik, natürlichen Reinigungsmitteln und Seifen. In ihren Seminaren zeigt sie dir, wie du die Kraft der Pflanzen für deine (Haut-)Gesundheit nutzen kannst.

Ganz viele weitere Rezepte und Tipps zu nachhaltigen Reinigungsmitteln gibt es in ihrem Workshop Zero Waste im Putzschrank (https://www.katharinaruehrt.com/putzmittel-online)

Alle Infos zu Katharina rührt findest du auf ihrer Homepage www.katharinaruehrt.com

Kommentare (218)
  • Gisela Weinmann
    Hallo, auf Ihrer Seite habe ich in wunderbarer Weise neu erfahren, wie schnell das Kastaniensud für alles Mögliche im Haus angewendet werden kann. Mehr als 2 Jahre lang habe ich mir diesen "wirklich unnötigen" Aufwand von Kastanien in Socken packen zum Waschen, oder Kastanien mindestens 6 Stunden vorher einweichen vor der Benutzung als Wasch-Putz-Spülmittel. Mit Glück habe ich per Zufall Ihre Erfahrung gelesen, sofort ausprobiert und seit dem "nur noch für alle Zeiten so wie Sie es schreiben" hinter die Ohren geschrieben. Das muss sich Ihnen mitteilen, weil das meine Kastanienwelt komplett auf den Kopf gestellt hat. Ja-der Sud ist jetzt so schön mild, so schön hell, so schön frisch und kräftig - besser geht es nicht. Danke, Danke, Danke für Ihren Beitrag. Meine Welt tut sich neu auf, Sie wissen nicht, wie Sie mir damit Freude bereiten. Genial. PS: Echt komisch, dass die "Anderen" da nicht drauf gekommen sind. Nie mehr scharfe braune Brühe - kein braun werden der Teile. Warum schälen vorher, warum so lange ziehen lassen ? Wer kam nur auf solch blöde Idee, gell ??? Danke Ihnen, es gibt immer wieder einen Grund das Leben als wunderbar zu sehen. Man muss die Dinge nur richtig anpacken. Die jetzige Ernte meiner Kastanien von 3 Bäumen ergab 2 Zentner Früchte. Sie glänzen wie Lack. Liebe Grüße Gisela Weinmann Schade, dass Sie nur für Kinder Artikel verkaufen, gerne hätte ich Ihren Verkauf unterstützt. Leider sind keine Kinder in meinem Umfeld vorhanden. Und Enkel auch noch nicht. Sorry.
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    Hallo! Auch wenn ich ziemlich spät bin-ein super Beitrag! Endlich eine einfache Möglichkeit Kastanien sinnvoll zu nutzen... Du hast ja schon beschrieben, dass man den Sud möglichst frisch anrühren sollte-aber was ist mit den getrockneten Kastanien? Luftdicht lagern, und nach Bedarf mit Wasser übergießen? Richtig getrocknet dürfte ja eigentlich nicht viel passieren. Und die bereits verwendeten Stücke müssen zwischendrin (also vor dem nächsten Gebrauch) vermutlich auch wieder gründlich trocknen? Für den Beitrag vielen Dank von einer Spätzünderin, L.
  • Claudia
    Danke für diesen super Tipp und die vielen Informationen ???? ...muss ich die Kastanien mit kochendem, warmen oder kaltem Wasser übergießen ? - und dann schütteln, um zu schauen, ob es schäumt? - ich bin mir immer (seit einer Woche wasche ich mit Kastanien) unsicher, ob meine Lauge gut ist ????, -woran kann ich das erkennen? Vielen lieben Dank für die Hilfe und alles Gute ???? Claudia
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  • Tomked
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  • Tomked
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  • Tomked
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  • Tomked
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  • Tomked
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    What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the first digital currency. It uses the peer-to-peer protocol to make instant payments. Ticker: BTC Symbol: ? A bitcoin is divisible to eight decimal places – it represents a value of 10 to the power of 8. It was created in 2009 by an anonymous developer (or a group of developers) whose pseudonym is Satoshi Nakamoto. Over the years, it has become more a store of value than a P2P electronic cash system. And some holders now call it the “digital gold.” But the Lightning Network is turning BTC into a real medium of exchange. Millions of users now use it on a daily basis. Hopefully, bitcoin is a revolutionary form of sound money that has the potential to disrupt the current financial system, to become a global reserve currency. travel with cryptocurrency bitcoin to fiat exchange Bitcoin? Instant Payments How it Works Blockchain as Arbiter c6c4c17
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  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - endoscope for plumbing: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, ponder the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with superior resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure crisp images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will allow you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be required for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Go for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to facilitate easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to reach the areas you need to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a adequate light source, either integrated or detachable, to light up the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Consider a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to manipulate the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is vital to you, verify the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a reputable brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and weigh the features against the cost. Keep in mind, these are just examples, and it's crucial to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. plumbing camera By considering these factors, you can find the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection demands. Remember to prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - plumbing video camera: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, ponder the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with superior resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure crisp images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will allow you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be needed for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Go for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to assist easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to explore the areas you require to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a sufficient light source, either integrated or detachable, to light up the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Consider a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to manipulate the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is vital to you, ensure the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a respected brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and evaluate the features against the cost. Remember, these are just examples, and it's crucial to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. camera to see in pipes By factoring in these factors, you can discover the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection requirements. Always prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - plumbers endoscope camera: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, think about the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with impressive resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure clear images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will enable you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be required for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Choose for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to assist easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to explore the areas you require to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a enough light source, either integrated or detachable, to illuminate the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Consider a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to manipulate the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is significant to you, ensure the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a respected brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and weigh the features against the cost. Bear in mind, these are just examples, and it's important to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. plumbers camera By taking into account these factors, you can discover the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection demands. Don't forget to prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - plumbing endoscope: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, consider the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with superior resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure crisp images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will allow you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be necessary for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Go for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to facilitate easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to explore the areas you want to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a enough light source, either integrated or detachable, to illuminate the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Consider a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to operate the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is vital to you, make sure the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a respected brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and evaluate the features against the cost. Keep in mind, these are just examples, and it's crucial to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. plumbing video camera By considering these factors, you can discover the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection requirements. Always prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - fiber optic camera for plumbing: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, consider the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with excellent resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure crisp images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will permit you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be necessary for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Opt for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to aid easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to explore the areas you require to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a sufficient light source, either integrated or detachable, to light up the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Consider a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to manipulate the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is significant to you, verify the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a well-known brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and evaluate the features against the cost. Remember, these are just examples, and it's crucial to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. snake with camera for plumbing By factoring in these factors, you can discover the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection requirements. Always prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - plumbing drain camera: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, think about the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with superior resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure clear images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will permit you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be necessary for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Choose for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to assist easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to explore the areas you need to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a enough light source, either integrated or detachable, to illuminate the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Look for a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to operate the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is important to you, verify the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a respected brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and weigh the features against the cost. Bear in mind, these are just examples, and it's crucial to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. sewer pipe inspection camera By considering these factors, you can discover the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection needs. Remember to prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - plumbing pipe camera: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, consider the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with superior resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure clear images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will allow you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be necessary for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Go for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to assist easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to access the areas you need to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a enough light source, either integrated or detachable, to illuminate the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Look for a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to control the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is vital to you, ensure the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a well-known brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and evaluate the features against the cost. Remember, these are just examples, and it's vital to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. fiber optic camera for plumbing By considering these factors, you can discover the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection requirements. Always prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - small plumbing camera: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, consider the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with superior resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure sharp images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will enable you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be needed for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Choose for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to assist easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to explore the areas you want to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a adequate light source, either integrated or detachable, to illuminate the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Go for a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to control the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is vital to you, verify the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a respected brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and assess the features against the cost. Bear in mind, these are just examples, and it's vital to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. best plumbing inspection camera By taking into account these factors, you can unearth the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection demands. Don't forget to prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - best borescope for plumbing: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, ponder the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with excellent resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure sharp images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will permit you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be necessary for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Go for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to aid easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to access the areas you need to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a enough light source, either integrated or detachable, to brighten the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Look for a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to control the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is important to you, make sure the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a respected brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and weigh the features against the cost. Bear in mind, these are just examples, and it's crucial to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. plumbing video camera By considering these factors, you can unearth the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection demands. Don't forget to prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • WilliamdiaBs
    Best pipe inspection camera - plumbing video camera: When selecting a camera for pipe and plumbing inspection, consider the following aspects: 1. Image quality: Search for a camera with excellent resolution capabilities (at least 720p) and good low-light sensitivity to ensure sharp images in dark pipes. 2. Waterproof rating: Pick a camera with a waterproof rating of at least IP67 or higher to shield it from water damage during inspections. 3. Camera head size: A smaller camera head will allow you to inspect narrower pipes, while a larger head may be required for bigger pipes. 4. Flexibility: Go for a camera with a flexible rod or tilt function to aid easier navigation through bends and corners. 5. Length: Select a camera with an adequate length of cable or rod to explore the areas you want to inspect. 6. Light source: Ensure the camera has a adequate light source, either integrated or detachable, to illuminate the inside of the pipe. 7. Controls: Go for a camera with easy-to-use controls, such as joysticks or buttons, to manipulate the device during the inspection. 8. Recording capability: Some cameras come equipped with recording functionality; if this feature is important to you, make sure the camera has enough storage capacity and that the video files are easily transferable. 9. Brand reputation: Purchase from a respected brand known for producing reliable equipment. 10. Budget: Determine your budget before making a purchase and weigh the features against the cost. Bear in mind, these are just examples, and it's crucial to research each option thoroughly based on your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, consult with industry professionals or read reviews from other plumbers to gain more insight into their experiences with different cameras. plumbers endoscope camera By considering these factors, you can discover the best camera for your pipe and plumbing inspection requirements. Don't forget to prioritize safety and follow proper safety protocols when conducting inspections.
  • Jerrylow
    ?????? ????? ????? ? ???? - ?????µ ?»???‡?€?µ ???‚?µ?»??: ?????? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ????? - ????????. ??? ??????????? ?? ?????? ???????, ????? ????? ?????, ?????????? ? ???? ???????? ? ????????? ????. ?? ?????????, ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????, ?? ?????? ???????????? ????????? ??????, ??????? ?????????? ?????, ???? ?? ?????????????. ??????? ??????? ???????????? ?????, ????? ??????????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?????. ?? ??????????? ???????????? ??????????? ???????????, ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????????. ? ???????, ??? ???? ??? ???????????? ???????, ????? ??????? ???????????? ??????? ? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????. ?????? ??????????? ?????? ????? - ?»???‡?€???µ ???‚?µ?»?? ???°?????‚ ???µ?‚?µ???±???????°
  • Jerrylow
    ?????? ????? ????? ? ???? - ?»???‡?€???µ ???‚?µ?»?? ????????????: ?????? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ????? - ????. ??? ??????????? ?? ?????? ???????, ????? ????? ?????, ?????????? ? ???? ??????? ? ?????????? ?????????. ?? ?????????, ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????, ?? ?????? ???????????? ????????? ??????, ??????? ?????????? ?????, ???? ?? ?????????????. ??????? ???????? ? ?????????????????????? ?????, ????? ??????????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ?????. ?? ??????????? ???????????? ??????????? ???????????, ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???????? ??? ???????. ? ???????, ??? ???? ??? ???????????? ???????, ????? ??????? ???????????? ??????? ? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????. ?????? ??????????? ?????? ????? - ?»???‡?€???µ ???‚?µ?»?? ?????‡??
  • Jerrylow
    ?????? ????? ????? ? ???? - ?»???‡?€???µ ???‚?µ?»?? ?? ???»???¶?µ??: ?????? ???????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ????? - ????????. ??? ??????????? ?? ?????? ???????, ????? ????? ????? ??? ??????????, ?????????? ? ???? ???????? ? ?????????? ?????????. ?? ?????????, ??? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????, ?? ?????? ???????????? ??????????? ???????????, ??????? ?????????? ?????, ???? ?? ?????????????. ??????? ???????? ? ?????????????????????? ?????, ????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ???? ?????. ?? ??????????? ???????????? ??????????? ???????????, ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????????. ? ???????, ??? ???? ??? ???????????? ???????, ????? ??????? ????????????? ???????????? ? ??????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????. ?????? ??????????? ?????? ????? - ?»???‡?€???µ ???‚?µ?»?? 4
  • Matthewviela
    ?????»?°???? ?·?°?????‹ - ??? ????????????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????? ????????? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ???????, ??????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°???? ?? ?????»?°???? ???„???????»?µ?????µ?? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????. ?????? ???????? ?????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ????????? ??????? ? ?????????? ????????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ???????????? ??????????? ? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Matthewviela
    ?????»?°???? ?·?°?????‹ - ??? ????????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????? ???? ?? ??????????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ???????, ??????? ??????-?????? ?? ???????????·?°???? ???° ???°???‚?? ?????»?°???? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????. ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ???????? ??????? ? 0% ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ???????????? ???? ? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Matthewviela
    ???????????·?°???? ?·?°???????° ?????»?°???? - ??? ????????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????????? ???? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°???? ?????»?°???? ???° ???°???‚?? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????. ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ????????? ?????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ???????? ??????? ? ?????????? ????????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ???????????? ??????????? ? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • JamesTon
    ???????????????µ?????‚?‹ ?????»?°???? - ??? ????????????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????????? ???? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ??????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°???? ?? ?????»?°???? ???„???????»?µ?????µ?? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????. ?????? ???????? ?????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ????????? ?????? ? ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????? ?????????? ???????? ? ??. ????? ????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ???????????? ???? ? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Michaelkap
    ?—?°???? ?? ?????»?°???? ???„???????»?µ?????µ?? - ??? ????????????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????????? ????????? ?? ??????????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°?????‹ ???° ???°???‚?? ?????»?°???? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????. ?????? ???????? ?????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ???? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ????????? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ????????? ??????? ? 0% ????????? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ??????????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ???????????? ???? ? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Michaelkap
    ?—?°?????‹ ?????»?°???? - ??? ????????????? ????????? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ????????? ???? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?????»?°???? ???????????·?°???? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????. ?????? ???????? ????? ?????????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ? ??. ????? ????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ??????????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ???????????? ???? ? ???????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Michaelkap
    ?—?°???? ?????»?°???? - ??? ????????????? ????????? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????? ????????? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°???? ?????»?°???? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????. ?????? ???????? ????? ?????????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ??????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ???????? ???????, ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ??????????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ??????? ???? ? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • WesleyHoiff
    ?—?°???? ?????»?°???? ?±?µ?· ???????†?µ???‚???? - ??? ????????????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????????? ????????? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°?????‹ ?????»?°???? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????. ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ???? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ???????? ???????, ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ????????? ????? ? ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????????? ?????????? ???????? ? ??. ????? ???????? ??????? ? 0% ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ??????????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ??????? ??????????? ? ???????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • IsaaccOb
    ?—?°?????‹ ?????»?°???? ?? ???¤?? - ??? ????????????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ????????? ???? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ??????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°???? ?????»?°???? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????. ?????? ???????? ?????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ???? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ???????? ???????, ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ????????? ?????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ??????????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ??????? ??????????? ? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • JorgeClale
    ?—?°?????‹ ?????»?°???? - ??? ????????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ????????? ???? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°?????‹ ?????»?°???? ?? ???¤?? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????. ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ???????? ????? ? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ??????? ??????????? ? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Harryabory
    ?—?°?????‹ ?????»?°???? ?? ???¤?? - ??? ????????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ?????? ????????? ?? ??????????? ??????????? ?? ???????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°???? ?????»?°???? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????????? ????. ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ????????? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????? ?????????? ???????? ? ??. ????? ????????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ?????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ???????????? ??????????? ? ???????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Harryabory
    ?????»?°???? ???????????·?°?????‹ - ??? ????????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????????, ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???????. ???????? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ??????????????? ?????????? ?? ???????????. ????????? ???? ?? ???????? ??????????? ?? ??????????????? ???, ????????? ???????. ???????? ?????? ???????, ???????? ??????-?????? ?? ?—?°???? ?? ?????»?°???? ???„???????»?µ?????µ?? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????. ?????? ???????? ???????? ????????, ??????? ???????????? ????????? ????? ???????? ?? 0%. ???????? ???????? ???????, ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?? ????? ????? ????? ??????. ???????? ????, ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ????? ?? 1 ?????? ?? ??????????? ??? ? ??. ????? ????????? ??????? ? ?????????? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ? ?????????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? 500 ???. ?? 30000 ??????, ? ????? ??????? ??????????? ? ??????????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????????? ???????.
  • Robertboics
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  • Robertboics
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